SED #4: The Liberal Democrats

This was in bold red type for added legal weight (I've inconsiderately removed said formatting).

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SED #3: Airbus

Great company, great products, absolutely amazing open days - useless legalese disclaimer. (Linebreaks added)

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Airbus Operations Limited is registered in England and Wales
under company number 3468788. The company's registered office
is at New Filton House, Filton, Bristol, BS99 7AR.

Tiplet: disabling TinyMCE's mangling of YouTube embed code

I've been hacking an install of phpns to make it work a little more neatly with my company's web site (which is a real Frankensite and in BAD need of a rip-and-replace).

Anyway, if you use phpns - or any CMS which uses TinyMCE for WYSIWYG text entry / editing - you'll find that if you embed code like YouTube links in code view, switch back to WYSIWYG view, then switch back to code view again... All your lovely embed codes are gone!

This was really annoying me, so I decided to have a hunt about for a quick 'n dirty solution. After lots of forum reading, a few things were clear:

  • TinyMCE won't let you easily disable its code cleaning / HTML verification, which sucks
  • Even the TinyMCE devs aren't quite sure how to efficiently stop this from happening
  • Trying to fully disable its HTML verification / cleanup routines is nigh-on impossible, the codebase is a spider's web of PHP
  • and by default, it hates all <object> and <embed> tags, even if you have the TinyMCE Flash plugin installed.

This can royally screw with your meticulously-entered YouTube embeds. However, on his blog, Akbar neatly demonstrates a simple but effective method to stop TinyMCE eating your embed code - and all you need to do is add the object and embed tags and possible variables... There's a full demo, with borrowable code, on his web site.

An experiment: buying new tyres online

Having been lucky enough to drive over a nail this week, and my front tyres having worn down a lot anyway, I bit the bullet and ordered two new tyres today. However, I thought I'd be shafted at Kwik Fit - so I decided to harness the power of the Internet and get some new tyres online. Such novelty!

After looking in all the nooks and crannies, I found a few useful sites: Continue reading "An experiment: buying new tyres online"