Noted in passing...

Amongst many other channels I idle in #twitter. This compact expression of anguish from earlier amused me:

[07:06.55] * `Assassin ( has joined #twitter
[07:07.22] <`Assassin> It keeps following me all over the internet.
[07:07.39] <`Assassin> I can't browse without it hassling me to follow it.
[07:08.07] <`Assassin> I don't want to follow it. Leave me alone.
[07:08.18] * `Assassin ( has left #twitter ("Leaving")

That is all... (if you want to follow me, feel free - I'm @christopherw, and you can see my latest 140 character utterances to the right of this entry)

Good news everyone! (or, how to whip stitch)

After almost ripping a velcro pad off one of my new gloves, I decided to fix them. But oh no, to do that I must sew! (and of course men are almost universally bad at this, unless they're tailors or actually paid attention in Home Ec. Neither applies to me.)

However, YouTube awaits! The last time I searched for sewing knot guides all I could find were people attempting to demonstrate as fast as humanly possible, but this time I found some good 'uns:




And now my gloves are fixed! Time to go put whip stitches in everything I own.

An experiment: buying new tyres online

Having been lucky enough to drive over a nail this week, and my front tyres having worn down a lot anyway, I bit the bullet and ordered two new tyres today. However, I thought I'd be shafted at Kwik Fit - so I decided to harness the power of the Internet and get some new tyres online. Such novelty!

After looking in all the nooks and crannies, I found a few useful sites: Continue reading "An experiment: buying new tyres online"

SED #2: Birmingham City Council

I had an email correspondence with someone at BCC recently... Because of course, should I receive an email destined for someone else, I'm absolutely going to ring up some random person - the number is for the Capita-run 'Service Birmingham service desk' - and tell them about it (an almost guaranteed way to show yourself for the crazy person you are!)

Once again, corporate email policy results in signatures longer than the emails (and this time, with the mailserver tacking another copy on to each reply). (Linebreaks added for legibility)

The information contained within this e-mail (and any attachment) sent
by Birmingham City Council is confidential and may be legally privileged.
It is intended only for the named recipient or entity to whom it is
addressed. If you are not the intended recipient please accept our
apologies and notify the sender immediately, or telephone +(44)(0)121
464 4444. Unauthorised access, use, disclosure, storage or copying is
not permitted and may be unlawful. Any e-mail including its content may
be monitored and used by Birmingham City Council for reasons of security
and for monitoring internal compliance with the office policy on staff
use. E-mail blocking software may also be used. Any views or opinions
presented are solely those of the originator and do not necessarily
represent those of Birmingham City Council. We cannot guarantee that
this message or any attachment is virus free or has not been intercepted
and amended.