Tiplet: one-click Lock Screen for OS X

It must be in the name... Chris Cook devised an excellent little (Automator-based) scriptlet, self-contained as an .app Obviously (obviously, natch) if you hit Command-Option-Q for Quick User Switch - which is one HELL of a difficult keyboard combo if you can't get your thumb to do the double keypress - plus it will close all open apps and processes and physically end your login session.

Chris Cook's Lock Screen app works great - and still works with 10.5.8 on the MBP1,1 I use at work. Give it a try if you dislike leaving your Mac unlocked whilst you go do other srs bsns.

(I'm also aware that there's umpteen other ways to both lock a workstation and accomplish Fast User Switching without mousing to the option; look here (StackExchange), here (MacWorld) and here (MacWorld again) for starters.

SED #9: Intelligent Environments Europe Limited

This is a real gem. Brucie Bonus: the company's domain is IE.com.

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. This communication represents the originator's personal views and opinions, which do not necessarily reflect those of Intelligent Environments Europe Ltd (IE).
If you are not the original recipient or the person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error, and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify Support@ie.com.

IE is the trading name of Intelligent Environments Europe Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Parseq plc.

Intelligent Environments Europe Ltd is a company registered in England. The company's registered office is Riverview House, 20 Old Bridge Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 4BU. Its registered number is 1862322.

Intelligent Environments Europe Ltd is a VAT registered company - GB 602 8062 72

To Three or Not to Three?

That is very much the question, as WordPress 3 finally gets its first point update to 3.1. Are there any significant benefits over the 2.9 branch? Interested to hear any and all viewpoints, along with any upgrade horror stories.

(Incidentally if you came here because you thought this might be about me considering moving to the Three mobile network... I've been there in the past. It's a dark place. I'm glad I escaped.)

The decreasing usefulnesss of blocklists?

[Update, February 2014: I no longer use client-side blocklists. Join the discussion in the comments.]

My current job involves music and copyright to a fair extent. Ironically whilst I used to be a chronic downloader in my teens, these days not only do I enforce copyrights online, I also buy more music than ever.

However, I'm still healthily paranoid :> and I run Peerblock on every machine I touch, including work machines.

Now, dearth of available IPv4 addresses aside - and what seems to me like the increasingly futile idea of blocking ranges of IPv6 addresses! - it's incredibly difficult to accurately maintain a blocklist of IPs, let alone administer or implement dozens of them. There's too much "collateral damage" from innocent IPs. And as more lists are used and combined, the usefulness and accuracy of the blocks exponentially decreases.

Case in point (and this has made me reevaluate the usefulness of apps like Peerblock with lists from services such as iBlocklist): in the past couple of days, on machines running Peerblock with default lists and Kaspersky Internet Security have been unable to finish their daily definitions updates. How come? It turns out that all of the Kaspersky update servers are classified on half a dozen lists as "bad" IPs. To finish an update, you must disable Peerblock - hardly its intended purpose!

Currently, all Kaspersky IPs between and .86 are in a fair few blocklists hosted on iBlocklist, for various reasons - you can view them by going to the iBlocklist query page and tapping in (for example) Here's what I got on a query just now:

This is clearly incorrect, and as an added inconvenience Kaspersky cannot finish a definitions update until PeerBlock is temporarily disabled.

There still seems to be no easy way of flagging up specific IPs or ranges for review if they have been reassigned or are no longer under the control of the original company (as I suspect is the case with these Kaspersky IPs) - how best should we go about notifying iBlocklist as to the inaccuracy of the blocklist entries?

Performance Systems International-ed2k/ap2p:
Performance Systems International / Cogent Communications:
PSINet, Inc:
Performance Systems International Inc:
Primary Threats
Performance Systems International-ed2k/ap2p:
Business ISPs
Performance Systems International:
United States
United States:

Now, this is obviously far too much of a kneejerk reaction; some lists have the entire Class A range blocked and the rest have a good old dollop listed! Hammer to crack a nut anyone? Obviously one need not use every list, but the problem remains that popular programs such as Peerblock download and use several of these lists by default (including the "level1" list), and these are not being kept up to date by Bluetack, the supplier. (This has been an ongoing problem for some time).

The more you use these lists, the more you'll find legitimate IPs being blocked - I explicitly have to allow all the BBC IP addresses to use their web sites, which is intensely frustrating. My "permallow.p2b" exceptions list grows in size each day... So take everything with a pinch of salt! Disabling HTTP is a bodge workaround, but programs like Kaspersky will often use UDP on port 2001 (for example) to update, and those will always fall foul of the egress traffic block as long as people keep on using the massively popular, but stale, blacklists.

Keep watching the log windows...